Reporting Service in Classic ASP
(too old to reply)
2007-12-07 19:27:48 UTC
I have been working on this for over a month and have seen many
requests for help on this. Classic asp does not support SOAP. The soap
toolkit 3.0 keep passing invalid parameters to RS2k5. The best way I
have found to access some aspects of reporting service without
exposing reporting services to the outside world is to make a classic
asp page that proxies url access

I had to ditch soap and do something else.

Here is my setup

Win 2k3, IIS has multiple websites setup, the default website is set
to listen on and has reporting service setup on it,
reporting service is set to anonymous access and the guest account has
full control.

All I need reporting services for is to format reports for excel or
reports that are going to paper.


Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
set xmlhttp = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.open "GET", "http://localhost/reportserver?%2fReport

if xmlhttp.Status = 200 then
Response.BinaryWrite xmlhttp.responseBody

Response.Write("Didn't Work")
End if
2007-12-08 19:03:32 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
I have been working on this for over a month and have seen many
requests for help on this. Classic asp does not support SOAP. The soap
toolkit 3.0 keep passing invalid parameters to RS2k5. The best way I
have found to access some aspects of reporting service without
exposing reporting services to the outside world is to make a classic
asp page that proxies url access
I had to ditch soap and do something else.
Here is my setup
Win 2k3, IIS has multiple websites setup, the default website is set
to listen on and has reporting service setup on it,
reporting service is set to anonymous access and the guest account has
full control.
All I need reporting services for is to format reports for excel or
reports that are going to paper.
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
set xmlhttp = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.open "GET", "http://localhost/reportserver?%2fReport
if xmlhttp.Status = 200 then
Response.BinaryWrite xmlhttp.responseBody
Response.Write("Didn't Work")
End if
The guest acct having full control could be a problem for you.
Have you considered using a standard HTML tag to provide this
functionality? Something like:
<a href="http://localhost/reportserver?%2fReport
%2fSummaryReport&rs:Command=Render&rs:Format=PDF">Export Summary
Report To PDF</a>
Also, in case you are unaware, SSRS doesn't play very nicely outside
the domain, so this could be the issue. Generally, outside the domain,
I tend to pass the report export file itself. Of course, normally, to
do this, using the Reporting Services Web Service is required. If
another language (OS) is an option for you, you might try integrating
a PHP Application with SOAP access for the RS Web Service into the
Classic ASP application. Hope this helps.


Enrique Martinez
Sr. Software Consultant
2007-12-10 18:55:34 UTC
I had originally looked at just exposing the URL access to the outside
world but since I'm not allowed to develop a .net auth extension here
that wasn't really an option. By setting the guest account access up
the way I did (ie by having reporting service only listen to local
host). The proxy page is the only thing that can access it. But if in
the application I had a reference to local host wouldn't the clients
browser assume that was supposed to be available on their localhost?
Post by EMartinez
Post by l***@gmail.com
I have been working on this for over a month and have seen many
requests for help on this. Classic asp does not support SOAP. The soap
toolkit 3.0 keep passing invalid parameters to RS2k5. The best way I
have found to access some aspects of reporting service without
exposing reporting services to the outside world is to make a classic
asp page that proxies url access
I had to ditch soap and do something else.
Here is my setup
Win 2k3, IIS has multiple websites setup, the default website is set
to listen on and has reporting service setup on it,
reporting service is set to anonymous access and the guest account has
full control.
All I need reporting services for is to format reports for excel or
reports that are going to paper.
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
set xmlhttp = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.open "GET", "http://localhost/reportserver?%2fReport
if xmlhttp.Status = 200 then
Response.BinaryWrite xmlhttp.responseBody
Response.Write("Didn't Work")
End if
The guest acct having full control could be a problem for you.
Have you considered using a standard HTML tag to provide this
<a href="http://localhost/reportserver?%2fReport
%2fSummaryReport&rs:Command=Render&rs:Format=PDF">Export Summary
Report To PDF</a>
Also, in case you are unaware, SSRS doesn't play very nicely outside
the domain, so this could be the issue. Generally, outside the domain,
I tend to pass the report export file itself. Of course, normally, to
do this, using the Reporting Services Web Service is required. If
another language (OS) is an option for you, you might try integrating
a PHP Application with SOAP access for the RS Web Service into the
Classic ASP application. Hope this helps.
Enrique Martinez
Sr. Software Consultant
Don Miller
2007-12-12 04:38:22 UTC
I posted last month and before about the lack of examples of using Classic
ASP and RS2005. I simply wanted to create and then export a report as a PDF.
After much research and testing, I came up with ASP code that communicates
with RS using SOAP calls and successfully loads, renders, and exports RS
reports. So, Classic ASP *does* support SOAP (as does any language) - you
just have to handroll the entire thing and understand XML and the
undocumented quirks and flow in RS. Also, in order for this all to work, it
takes custom and non-standard configuration of RS, IIS, SQL Server, etc. to
make it all happen (I had to write it all down because I couldn't
consistently remember all the steps).

Here's my test, non-production, code that will help you understand the steps
of sending SOAP messages and interacting with RS with ASP 3.0. There may be
more elegant ways to do this, but it works.

The hardest part is setting up permissions, users, and such in RS, SQL, and
IIS which was a lot of trial and error and experiments dealing with
"permission denied" stuff.

Dim strFormat, strCustID, strReport
'test parameters
strFormat = "PDF"
strCustID= "5810"
strReport = "record"

Dim errorMsg
errorMsg = "Node Select Error"

Dim strPrefix
Dim strReportPath 'as String
Select Case strReport
Case "record"
strReportPath = "/TestFolder/TestReport"
strPrefix = "test-"

Case "summary"
strReportPath = "/TestFolder/TestReport2"
strPrefix = "test2-"

End Select

Dim strContentType 'as String
Dim strSuffix
Select Case strFormat
Case "HTML4.0"
strContentType = "text/html"
strSuffix = ".htm"

Case "PDF"
strContentType = "application/pdf"
strSuffix = ".pdf"

Case "IMAGE"
strContentType = "image/tiff"
strSuffix = ".tif"

End Select

'the web service
Dim postURL 'as String
postURL = "http://mymachine/ReportServer/ReportExecution2005.asmx"

'the Namespace for Reporting Services
Dim rsns 'as String
rsns =

Function ByteArray2Text(varByteArray)
Dim strBuffer, lngCounter
strData = ""
strBuffer = ""
For lngCounter = 0 to UBound(varByteArray)
strBuffer = strBuffer & Chr(255 And
Ascb(Midb(varByteArray,lngCounter + 1, 1)))
'Keep strBuffer at 1k bytes maximum
If lngCounter Mod 1000 = 0 Then
strData = strData & strBuffer
strBuffer = ""
End If
ByteArray2Text = strData & strBuffer
End Function

Sub writeError(responseBody)
Dim errorStr
errorStr = getNodeText(responseBody, "//ErrorCode") & ": " &
getNodeText(responseBody, "//Message") & _
"<br /><br />" & ByteArray2Text(responseBody)
Err.Raise 1, "Reporting Services-SOAP", errorStr
End Sub

Sub writeByteArray(responseBody)
Response.ContentType = strContentType
if strContentType <> "text/html" then
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment;
filename=" & strPrefix & strPtID & strSuffix
end if
Response.BinaryWrite getResultAsByteArray(responseBody)
End Sub

Function createExecutionHeader(theExecutionID)
If len(theExecutionID) > 0 then
createExecutionHeader = _
"<soap:Header>" & _
"<ExecutionHeader xmlns=""" & rsns & """>" & _
"<ExecutionID>" & theExecutionID & "</ExecutionID>"
& _
"</ExecutionHeader>" & _
createExecutionHeader = ""
End If
End Function

Function makeSOAPPackage(theBody, theExecutionID)
makeSOAPPackage = _
"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" & _
xmlns:soap=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/""" & _
" xmlns:xsi=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance""" &
" xmlns:xsd=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"">" & _
createExecutionHeader(theExecutionID) & _
"<soap:Body>" & theBody & "</soap:Body>" & _
End Function

Function getNodeObject(theResponse, xpathToNode)
set xmldoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
set getNodeObject =
set xmldoc = nothing
End Function

Function getNodeText(theResponse, xpath)
set node = getNodeObject(theResponse, xpath)
if NOT (node is nothing) then
getNodeText = node.text
set node = nothing
getNodeText = errorMsg
end if
End Function

Function getResultAsByteArray(theResponse)
set node = getNodeObject(theResponse, "//Result")
node.dataType = "bin.base64"
getResultAsByteArray = node.nodeTypedValue
set node = nothing
End Function

Function sendSOAPRequest(theBody, theMethod, theExecutionID, hasError)
Dim xmlobject
set xmlobject = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
With xmlobject
.Open "POST", postURL, False
.setRequestHeader "SOAPAction", rsns & "/" & theMethod
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8"
.Send makeSOAPPackage(theBody, theExecutionID)
End With

hasError = getNodeText(xmlobject.responseBody, "//" & theMethod &

sendSOAPRequest = xmlobject.responseBody

set xmlobject = nothing

End Function


Dim strExecutionID, strErrorMessage
strExecutionID = "" 'no execution ID for the first method

Dim responseBody 'as String

strRequest = "<LoadReport xmlns=""" & rsns & """>" & _
"<Report>" & strReportPath & "</Report>" & _
responseBody = sendSOAPRequest(strRequest, "LoadReport", strExecutionID,

if strErrorMessage <> errorMsg then
strExecutionID = getNodeText(responseBody,

strRequest = "<SetExecutionParameters xmlns=""" & rsns & """>" & _
"<Parameters>" & _
"<ParameterValue>" & _
"<Name>ptid</Name>" & _
"<Value>" & strCustID & "</Value>" & _
"</ParameterValue>" & _
"</Parameters>" & _
"<ParameterLanguage>en-us</ParameterLanguage>" & _
responseBody = sendSOAPRequest(strRequest, "SetExecutionParameters",
strExecutionID, strErrorMessage)

if strErrorMessage <> errorMsg then
strRequest = _
"<Render xmlns=""" & rsns & """>" & _
"<Format>" & strFormat & "</Format>" & _
responseBody = sendSOAPRequest(strRequest, "Render",
strExecutionID, strErrorMessage)

if strErrorMessage <> errorMsg then
writeByteArray responseBody
writeError responseBody
end if

writeError responseBody
end if

writeError responseBody
end if

Post by l***@gmail.com
I have been working on this for over a month and have seen many
requests for help on this. Classic asp does not support SOAP. The soap
toolkit 3.0 keep passing invalid parameters to RS2k5. The best way I
have found to access some aspects of reporting service without
exposing reporting services to the outside world is to make a classic
asp page that proxies url access
I had to ditch soap and do something else.
Here is my setup
Win 2k3, IIS has multiple websites setup, the default website is set
to listen on and has reporting service setup on it,
reporting service is set to anonymous access and the guest account has
full control.
All I need reporting services for is to format reports for excel or
reports that are going to paper.
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
set xmlhttp = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.open "GET", "http://localhost/reportserver?%2fReport
if xmlhttp.Status = 200 then
Response.BinaryWrite xmlhttp.responseBody
Response.Write("Didn't Work")
End if
Shil K
2010-09-02 14:17:39 UTC
I found this article and the solution that you gave.
I am in the same situation. we have an ASP site and a SSRS server. I need to pass parameters to the SSRS which in turn returns data. I need to access the SSRS from the asp page, but i need to pass parameters to it and want it to return a word document.
Any suggestions?

Need this done urgently any help is appreciated.

Thanks all...
Post by l***@gmail.com
I have been working on this for over a month and have seen many
requests for help on this. Classic asp does not support SOAP. The soap
toolkit 3.0 keep passing invalid parameters to RS2k5. The best way I
have found to access some aspects of reporting service without
exposing reporting services to the outside world is to make a classic
asp page that proxies url access
I had to ditch soap and do something else.
Here is my setup
Win 2k3, IIS has multiple websites setup, the default website is set
to listen on and has reporting service setup on it,
reporting service is set to anonymous access and the guest account has
full control.
All I need reporting services for is to format reports for excel or
reports that are going to paper.
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
set xmlhttp = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.open "GET", "http://localhost/reportserver?%2fReport
if xmlhttp.Status = 200 then
Response.BinaryWrite xmlhttp.responseBody
Response.Write("Didn't Work")
End if
Post by EMartinez
The guest acct having full control could be a problem for you.
Have you considered using a standard HTML tag to provide this
<a href="http://localhost/reportserver?%2fReport
%2fSummaryReport&rs:Command=Render&rs:Format=PDF">Export Summary
Report To PDF</a>
Also, in case you are unaware, SSRS doesn't play very nicely outside
the domain, so this could be the issue. Generally, outside the domain,
I tend to pass the report export file itself. Of course, normally, to
do this, using the Reporting Services Web Service is required. If
another language (OS) is an option for you, you might try integrating
a PHP Application with SOAP access for the RS Web Service into the
Classic ASP application. Hope this helps.
Enrique Martinez
Sr. Software Consultant
Post by Don Miller
I posted last month and before about the lack of examples of using Classic
ASP and RS2005. I simply wanted to create and then export a report as a PDF.
After much research and testing, I came up with ASP code that communicates
with RS using SOAP calls and successfully loads, renders, and exports RS
reports. So, Classic ASP *does* support SOAP (as does any language) - you
just have to handroll the entire thing and understand XML and the
undocumented quirks and flow in RS. Also, in order for this all to work, it
takes custom and non-standard configuration of RS, IIS, SQL Server, etc. to
make it all happen (I had to write it all down because I couldn't
consistently remember all the steps).
Here's my test, non-production, code that will help you understand the steps
of sending SOAP messages and interacting with RS with ASP 3.0. There may be
more elegant ways to do this, but it works.
The hardest part is setting up permissions, users, and such in RS, SQL, and
IIS which was a lot of trial and error and experiments dealing with
"permission denied" stuff.
Dim strFormat, strCustID, strReport
'test parameters
strFormat = "PDF"
strCustID= "5810"
strReport = "record"
Dim errorMsg
errorMsg = "Node Select Error"
Dim strPrefix
Dim strReportPath 'as String
Select Case strReport
Case "record"
strReportPath = "/TestFolder/TestReport"
strPrefix = "test-"
Case "summary"
strReportPath = "/TestFolder/TestReport2"
strPrefix = "test2-"
End Select
Dim strContentType 'as String
Dim strSuffix
Select Case strFormat
Case "HTML4.0"
strContentType = "text/html"
strSuffix = ".htm"
Case "PDF"
strContentType = "application/pdf"
strSuffix = ".pdf"
Case "IMAGE"
strContentType = "image/tiff"
strSuffix = ".tif"
End Select
'the web service
Dim postURL 'as String
postURL = "http://mymachine/ReportServer/ReportExecution2005.asmx"
'the Namespace for Reporting Services
Dim rsns 'as String
rsns =
Function ByteArray2Text(varByteArray)
Dim strBuffer, lngCounter
strData = ""
strBuffer = ""
For lngCounter = 0 to UBound(varByteArray)
strBuffer = strBuffer & Chr(255 And
Ascb(Midb(varByteArray,lngCounter + 1, 1)))
'Keep strBuffer at 1k bytes maximum
If lngCounter Mod 1000 = 0 Then
strData = strData & strBuffer
strBuffer = ""
End If
ByteArray2Text = strData & strBuffer
End Function
Sub writeError(responseBody)
Dim errorStr
errorStr = getNodeText(responseBody, "//ErrorCode") & ": " &
getNodeText(responseBody, "//Message") & _
"<br /><br />" & ByteArray2Text(responseBody)
Err.Raise 1, "Reporting Services-SOAP", errorStr
End Sub
Sub writeByteArray(responseBody)
Response.ContentType = strContentType
if strContentType <> "text/html" then
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment;
filename=" & strPrefix & strPtID & strSuffix
end if
Response.BinaryWrite getResultAsByteArray(responseBody)
End Sub
Function createExecutionHeader(theExecutionID)
If len(theExecutionID) > 0 then
createExecutionHeader = _
"<soap:Header>" & _
"<ExecutionHeader xmlns=""" & rsns & """>" & _
"<ExecutionID>" & theExecutionID & "</ExecutionID>"
& _
"</ExecutionHeader>" & _
createExecutionHeader = ""
End If
End Function
Function makeSOAPPackage(theBody, theExecutionID)
makeSOAPPackage = _
"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" & _
xmlns:soap=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/""" & _
" xmlns:xsi=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance""" &
" xmlns:xsd=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"">" & _
createExecutionHeader(theExecutionID) & _
"<soap:Body>" & theBody & "</soap:Body>" & _
End Function
Function getNodeObject(theResponse, xpathToNode)
set xmldoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
set getNodeObject =
set xmldoc = nothing
End Function
Function getNodeText(theResponse, xpath)
set node = getNodeObject(theResponse, xpath)
if NOT (node is nothing) then
getNodeText = node.text
set node = nothing
getNodeText = errorMsg
end if
End Function
Function getResultAsByteArray(theResponse)
set node = getNodeObject(theResponse, "//Result")
node.dataType = "bin.base64"
getResultAsByteArray = node.nodeTypedValue
set node = nothing
End Function
Function sendSOAPRequest(theBody, theMethod, theExecutionID, hasError)
Dim xmlobject
set xmlobject = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
With xmlobject
.Open "POST", postURL, False
.setRequestHeader "SOAPAction", rsns & "/" & theMethod
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8"
.Send makeSOAPPackage(theBody, theExecutionID)
End With
hasError = getNodeText(xmlobject.responseBody, "//" & theMethod &
sendSOAPRequest = xmlobject.responseBody
set xmlobject = nothing
End Function
Dim strExecutionID, strErrorMessage
strExecutionID = "" 'no execution ID for the first method
Dim responseBody 'as String
strRequest = "<LoadReport xmlns=""" & rsns & """>" & _
"<Report>" & strReportPath & "</Report>" & _
responseBody = sendSOAPRequest(strRequest, "LoadReport", strExecutionID,
if strErrorMessage <> errorMsg then
strExecutionID = getNodeText(responseBody,
strRequest = "<SetExecutionParameters xmlns=""" & rsns & """>" & _
"<Parameters>" & _
"<ParameterValue>" & _
"<Name>ptid</Name>" & _
"<Value>" & strCustID & "</Value>" & _
"</ParameterValue>" & _
"</Parameters>" & _
"<ParameterLanguage>en-us</ParameterLanguage>" & _
responseBody = sendSOAPRequest(strRequest, "SetExecutionParameters",
strExecutionID, strErrorMessage)
if strErrorMessage <> errorMsg then
strRequest = _
"<Render xmlns=""" & rsns & """>" & _
"<Format>" & strFormat & "</Format>" & _
responseBody = sendSOAPRequest(strRequest, "Render",
strExecutionID, strErrorMessage)
if strErrorMessage <> errorMsg then
writeByteArray responseBody
writeError responseBody
end if
writeError responseBody
end if
writeError responseBody
end if
Post by l***@gmail.com
I had originally looked at just exposing the URL access to the outside
world but since I'm not allowed to develop a .net auth extension here
that wasn't really an option. By setting the guest account access up
the way I did (ie by having reporting service only listen to local
host). The proxy page is the only thing that can access it. But if in
the application I had a reference to local host wouldn't the clients
browser assume that was supposed to be available on their localhost?
Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
Book Review: Excel 2010 - The Missing Manual [OReilly]
2015-05-13 20:41:05 UTC
Post by Don Miller
I posted last month and before about the lack of examples of using Classic
ASP and RS2005. I simply wanted to create and then export a report as a PDF.
After much research and testing, I came up with ASP code that communicates
with RS using SOAP calls and successfully loads, renders, and exports RS
reports. So, Classic ASP *does* support SOAP (as does any language) - you
just have to handroll the entire thing and understand XML and the
undocumented quirks and flow in RS. Also, in order for this all to work, it
takes custom and non-standard configuration of RS, IIS, SQL Server, etc. to
make it all happen (I had to write it all down because I couldn't
consistently remember all the steps).
Here's my test, non-production, code that will help you understand the steps
of sending SOAP messages and interacting with RS with ASP 3.0. There may be
more elegant ways to do this, but it works.
The hardest part is setting up permissions, users, and such in RS, SQL, and
IIS which was a lot of trial and error and experiments dealing with
"permission denied" stuff.
Dim strFormat, strCustID, strReport
'test parameters
strFormat = "PDF"
strCustID= "5810"
strReport = "record"
Dim errorMsg
errorMsg = "Node Select Error"
Dim strPrefix
Dim strReportPath 'as String
Select Case strReport
Case "record"
strReportPath = "/TestFolder/TestReport"
strPrefix = "test-"
Case "summary"
strReportPath = "/TestFolder/TestReport2"
strPrefix = "test2-"
End Select
Dim strContentType 'as String
Dim strSuffix
Select Case strFormat
Case "HTML4.0"
strContentType = "text/html"
strSuffix = ".htm"
Case "PDF"
strContentType = "application/pdf"
strSuffix = ".pdf"
Case "IMAGE"
strContentType = "image/tiff"
strSuffix = ".tif"
End Select
'the web service
Dim postURL 'as String
postURL = "http://mymachine/ReportServer/ReportExecution2005.asmx"
'the Namespace for Reporting Services
Dim rsns 'as String
rsns =
Function ByteArray2Text(varByteArray)
Dim strBuffer, lngCounter
strData = ""
strBuffer = ""
For lngCounter = 0 to UBound(varByteArray)
strBuffer = strBuffer & Chr(255 And
Ascb(Midb(varByteArray,lngCounter + 1, 1)))
'Keep strBuffer at 1k bytes maximum
If lngCounter Mod 1000 = 0 Then
strData = strData & strBuffer
strBuffer = ""
End If
ByteArray2Text = strData & strBuffer
End Function
Sub writeError(responseBody)
Dim errorStr
errorStr = getNodeText(responseBody, "//ErrorCode") & ": " &
getNodeText(responseBody, "//Message") & _
"<br /><br />" & ByteArray2Text(responseBody)
Err.Raise 1, "Reporting Services-SOAP", errorStr
End Sub
Sub writeByteArray(responseBody)
Response.ContentType = strContentType
if strContentType <> "text/html" then
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment;
filename=" & strPrefix & strPtID & strSuffix
end if
Response.BinaryWrite getResultAsByteArray(responseBody)
End Sub
Function createExecutionHeader(theExecutionID)
If len(theExecutionID) > 0 then
createExecutionHeader = _
"<soap:Header>" & _
"<ExecutionHeader xmlns=""" & rsns & """>" & _
"<ExecutionID>" & theExecutionID & "</ExecutionID>"
& _
"</ExecutionHeader>" & _
createExecutionHeader = ""
End If
End Function
Function makeSOAPPackage(theBody, theExecutionID)
makeSOAPPackage = _
"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" & _
xmlns:soap=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/""" & _
" xmlns:xsi=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance""" &
" xmlns:xsd=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"">" & _
createExecutionHeader(theExecutionID) & _
"<soap:Body>" & theBody & "</soap:Body>" & _
End Function
Function getNodeObject(theResponse, xpathToNode)
set xmldoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
set getNodeObject =
set xmldoc = nothing
End Function
Function getNodeText(theResponse, xpath)
set node = getNodeObject(theResponse, xpath)
if NOT (node is nothing) then
getNodeText = node.text
set node = nothing
getNodeText = errorMsg
end if
End Function
Function getResultAsByteArray(theResponse)
set node = getNodeObject(theResponse, "//Result")
node.dataType = "bin.base64"
getResultAsByteArray = node.nodeTypedValue
set node = nothing
End Function
Function sendSOAPRequest(theBody, theMethod, theExecutionID, hasError)
Dim xmlobject
set xmlobject = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
With xmlobject
.Open "POST", postURL, False
.setRequestHeader "SOAPAction", rsns & "/" & theMethod
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8"
.Send makeSOAPPackage(theBody, theExecutionID)
End With
hasError = getNodeText(xmlobject.responseBody, "//" & theMethod &
sendSOAPRequest = xmlobject.responseBody
set xmlobject = nothing
End Function
Dim strExecutionID, strErrorMessage
strExecutionID = "" 'no execution ID for the first method
Dim responseBody 'as String
strRequest = "<LoadReport xmlns=""" & rsns & """>" & _
"<Report>" & strReportPath & "</Report>" & _
responseBody = sendSOAPRequest(strRequest, "LoadReport", strExecutionID,
if strErrorMessage <> errorMsg then
strExecutionID = getNodeText(responseBody,
strRequest = "<SetExecutionParameters xmlns=""" & rsns & """>" & _
"<Parameters>" & _
"<ParameterValue>" & _
"<Name>ptid</Name>" & _
"<Value>" & strCustID & "</Value>" & _
"</ParameterValue>" & _
"</Parameters>" & _
"<ParameterLanguage>en-us</ParameterLanguage>" & _
responseBody = sendSOAPRequest(strRequest, "SetExecutionParameters",
strExecutionID, strErrorMessage)
if strErrorMessage <> errorMsg then
strRequest = _
"<Render xmlns=""" & rsns & """>" & _
"<Format>" & strFormat & "</Format>" & _
responseBody = sendSOAPRequest(strRequest, "Render",
strExecutionID, strErrorMessage)
if strErrorMessage <> errorMsg then
writeByteArray responseBody
writeError responseBody
end if
writeError responseBody
end if
writeError responseBody
end if
Post by l***@gmail.com
I have been working on this for over a month and have seen many
requests for help on this. Classic asp does not support SOAP. The soap
toolkit 3.0 keep passing invalid parameters to RS2k5. The best way I
have found to access some aspects of reporting service without
exposing reporting services to the outside world is to make a classic
asp page that proxies url access
I had to ditch soap and do something else.
Here is my setup
Win 2k3, IIS has multiple websites setup, the default website is set
to listen on and has reporting service setup on it,
reporting service is set to anonymous access and the guest account has
full control.
All I need reporting services for is to format reports for excel or
reports that are going to paper.
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
set xmlhttp = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.open "GET", "http://localhost/reportserver?%2fReport
if xmlhttp.Status = 200 then
Response.BinaryWrite xmlhttp.responseBody
Response.Write("Didn't Work")
End if
Thank you,Don Miller.
It works for me very well.

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